Thursday, August 12, 2010

How to get rid of a person that cares about you

  1. Take them for granted
  2. Always keep the focus on yourself when engaged in conversation
  3. Don't EVER spend any of your precious time or energy doing something nice and meaningful for them; rather, devote that time to something of much more importance (i.e. something that in reality is not important at all)
  4. Talk about them behind their back 
  5. Find faults in other people and tell them about your discoveries
  6. Be exceptionally shallow, self-centered, and vain
  7. Have a nonchalant attitude about the things that they are passionate about
  8. Be easily offended
  9. Never hit them up just to say "I love you."
  10. Drag them away from God
I have composed this list from things I have experienced in my life. For the majority of my young adult life I had pseudofriends. Once I stopped being a pseudofriend myself, God gave me some authentic ones. Ones that love hard and live intentionally. Ones that tell you what's on their hearts. Ones that are transparent. Ones that devoutly proclaim the name of Jesus Christ day in and day out, with no shame. This is my own personal reminder of some things I have done and what NOT to do anymore. Loving someone PROPERLY takes having the love of God in you first. You want amazing friends? Start being one. You want to run off the good people in your life and attract the garbage ones? Well, just follow these 10 simple steps and you will be in there like swim wear! As for me and my house, we will not only serve the Lord, but serve each other as well.

Sincerely, Bri
Peace and Love to you!

"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul."
Proverbs 27:9

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