Monday, August 9, 2010

The Anthem of this Generation

Hedonism. The doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life. Pleasure without pain. It's the anthem of this generation. The drinking, partying, lusting, boasting...what's it all about? I personally believe it is simply a means of temporary escape. But after the short-lived escapade has reached its conclusion, after the friends are gone and the party is over, your left to face yourself. Ernest Hemingway is quoted saying "I love sleep. My life has the tendency to fall apart when I'm awake, you know." I cannot even fathom how many people would click the like button on my Facebook if I were to make this a status. It's sad, you know. People live their lives sleeping, in an ignorant bliss, a beautiful oblivion. Ephesians 4:17-29 and 5:1-15. Need I say more? "Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." Whether you are a believer in Christ or not, you simply cannot deny the fact that there are far too many people sleeping for comfort. Pleasantly unaware of all that is going on in the world around them. Nobody wants to hear about Illuminati, corrupted rappers and singers feeding their fans subliminal messages to drag them even further away from the truth. People will call you paranoid, crazy, or delusional if you start making simple observations about things you see and correlating them with hard core facts. With knowledge comes great suffering. A hedonists doesn't like to suffer. The sad reality is, once your in so far, the hedonists can't tell the ditch is a ditch. What do I mean by that? Well, Luke 6:39-40, a person that is blind will not recognize the ditch, pitfall, whatever, for what it is. All the trash and decay found in ditches serves as good fertilizer for the grass in the ditch, making it thick and healthy. An illusion. Greener grass leads you away from the high road and takes you further and further down to where the waste is. People claim Christianity but live like satanists. They're blinded and don't recognize the lie when it's right in their faces. At the end of the day, you can say what you want. If I had a boyfriend who said he loved me but was constantly cheating on me and ashamed to claim me as such, I wouldn't believe him. Actions speak significantly louder than words, in case you were unaware. James 2:14-25, go head and eat that! Are you a follower of Christ or a hedonist?

Loving this blog stuff. Got plenty more food for thought coming your way! Check dis joint out in the meantime!

Sincerely, Bri
Peace and Love to you!

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