Wow...this has been on my heart for a while now. After coming to the realization that if I say I genuinely LOVE God then I have to hate what he hates, I started to make an assessment of just what that was.
Let's begin (I'll put it in practical terms):
You say you love God YET you
Chart in dangerous territory in terms of sexuality. Fondling, rubbing, caressing, touching; in essence, you play with fire.
Watch television shows and movies that contradict everything that God is.
Listen to music whose message contradicts everything that God is.
Hold grudges against people.
Talk about people.
In an ungodly relationship.
And the list could go ON and ON. As Christians we are called to hate iniquity. "I will set before my eyes no vile thing. The deeds of faithless men I hate, they will not cling to me." Psalm 101:3 When I sit and REALLY think about the magnitude of hating sin, it goes so deep. All the movies that I, at one point, really enjoyed were ones that had cute love stories and casual sex. Think about how the world portrays sex. They make it seem as though things like this are okay. Guy meets girl. Guy likes girl. Guy takes girl out. Guy gets lucky. They fall in "love." The end. Here's a few movies and shows that may not follow this story line exactly, but fall somewhere in this category of premarital sex or just awful in general.
Brown Sugar, The Notebook, Love and Basketball, Something New, Superbad, Knocked Up, The Hangover, Bad Girls Club, Jersey Shore, The Real World. And the list goes on. Have you ever laughed at something God hates? Laughed at something Christ died on the cross to forgive you of? I won't ramble on about this stuff, but my point is if you say you love God, but hardly hate sin (which is of Satan) then you may want to reassess your so-called "love" for him. Either God is Lord of ALL or nothing at all! The end. If you say you love him, but still flirt with sin, you don't love him. The end. If you aren't disgusted by the trash that the world spews out, you don't love him. Dancing with the devil while walking with God isn't possible, just throwing that out there. Don't get me wrong, I have definitely been in the position where I talked a lot but my actions were saying otherwise, but I've come to a place in my relationship with God where I DETEST wickedness. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 said it best about the godlessness in the last days.

Turn on Mtv or BET and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. I'm done for now. The question I'm posing right now isn't how much do you love God, it's how much do you HATE Satan? It's not enough to just say you love Him. You say you know God, but what's important is does God know YOU? Love you guys.
Peace & Love to you.
Sincerely, Bri