Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bri-Bri's Bicycle Club: Come get free!

 Over the past year I have gained something worth more than rubies: Wisdom. Proverbs 14:10 says that each heart knows its own bitterness and no one can share its joy. The joy that I feel in knowing the truth about who I am and what I'm alive for is simply indescribable. I want everybody to know about the love of Christ. Somewhere along the course of growing up, somebody told me a lie and I believed it. But somewhere else along the course of my life, I perceived it. Thanks be to God for that. I was the person who claimed to be a follower of Christ but lived like hell. I could fool everyone around me but never even for a slither of a second could I fool God (the only one that matters). Read your bible so you can know what God has to say about your life. I read mine virtually everyday, and I get murked and cleaned up on a regular basis. Living a life for Christ is not about being perfect. UNDERSTAND THIS! It's about realizing how wretched and wicked we are by ourselves and clinging to the one holy and pure being that is God himself. I am often viewed as such a pure and innocent person now. It surprised me the first time someone said it, only because I remembered how rebellious, promiscuous and deceitful I was. When God gets inside...He does MAD renovations on the heart and mind. Trust me, I'm living proof of it. Now, I hate what is evil and cling to what is good. I hope that one day, somebody will read this, get encouraged and give it all up to the one who gave us life and who will eventually take it away. Pay attention to your life. Please. Satan's roaming around like a lion looking to devour us. Everyday alive is a fight for the Christian. We can't possibly fight evil if we don't even know how to use our sword (bible) or if we don't know what the enemy looks like. Cling to righteousness and HATE sin! This will save your life!

I ride my bike barefoot down  the street because there are some feelings that I can't afford to miss. I want to teach people to embrace who they are, like Oscar Wilde who said this: "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken." God giveth and He taketh away, please do not be mistaken. It's easy to become polluted and perverted in this dirty world. Hold on for your life by loving God like a child. I'm more attractive being modest and speaking purely than when I dressed raunchy with a filthy mouth. I'm much happier with singing "Send me, I'll go!" to the top of my lungs with my roomie Angel and having sleep overs with wonderful people like Ashley Anglade, Anjelica Moore and Porsha Lorick instead of clubbing or being laid up next to somebody who has no right to my body. Apostle Paul said "Be very careful how you live-- not as unwise, but as wise; making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil."

"I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Mark 10:15

"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

Eternal Wisdom from a simple children's song:

Peace & Love to you.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Picture of Dorian Gray

What do you do when your family is under attack by an unseen enemy? How do you handle a situation that looks hopeless? In my life, I've tried to pretend like a problem doesn't exist or simply sobbing in my sorrow. No good results came out of that. The problems persisted and my eyes grew weary. I gazed from afar as everything I knew about family crumbled before my eyes. All of a sudden, things were different. All of a sudden, different realities that I didn't even know existed exposed themselves.Nobody likes to see there family torn apart., but it seems more and more prevalent and accepted as time goes on. What's the problem here? When you love somebody, you look out for their best interest. You consider them better than yourself. That's the issue. We live in a "Me, I, and My" society where other people's interests, dreams, and desires are...irrelevant. Family has been shoved to the bottom of the totem pole right next to God. Different aspects of the equation for a fruitful life are being deleted daily.

I have found in myself the desire to simply do it differently. Life, that is. I guess my biggest fear is knowing too much about the latest Jersey Shore episode, but knowing virtually nothing about my next door neighbor. I get distressed at the thought becoming a Sybil Vane falling for a Dorian Gray instead of making a close friend a homemade birthday gift. I run away from the status quo and think about a life somewhere else. Somewhere simple. A place where I'm not swarmed by fraternities and sororities, consumerism, college pageants, Gucci Mane concerts, The Game, lace fronts, football, name brands, drugs for the impressionable, sex, wannabe rude boys and video goes on. Somewhere simple, away from the fluff. The self-portraits of the world are horrendous, according to my own implications. People prance around looking young, eerily beautiful, and virtually flawless, but the self-portrait in their room takes on the burden of their corruption, growing older and uglier day by day. So many Dorian Grays. It will be the death of us to throw our age and wickedness on our paintings. It will literally kill us.

God is my only escape from these things. I feel that if I were to let go of God's word...I wouldn't make it. I would either succumb to the sameness/lameness of the world around me or get lost in some strange land in between. I want to find out what it means to be living. I do this daily. Pray steadfastly...don't stop. Do not be moved. Do not be shaken. You HAVE to believe that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do despite what your situations look like and despite what everyone around says.Who will survive in America? Who will survive in this world? Find your escape from the sameness/lameness of the world, of America, of your school. Back away from the television. Back away from dumb people...I'm not feeling the euphemisms today. "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." Proverbs 13:20 It's a sweet feeling to have a purpose for living. I've decided that if I ever get married and have a family, we will live and not die, but we will die in order to live. Amen.

Thought provoking movie that personifies the thought process of today.
"The Picture of Dorian Gray"

Peace and much love to you.
